1) The main question is valuable to whom? Value can’t be in vacuum. We can’t be valuable to everybody. First of all we should determine our target audience. We should determine it precisely. Is it your friends, family, employer, fellow citizens, beautiful women, wealthy men, fans of you favorite team? May be it’s your customers?
Of course there can’t be a single target audience. That’s why the next step is to prioritize them. Can we spend the same amount of energy and resources for everybody? I hardly believe it. You’ll always have to make choices between spending yourself for one or another group of people. How will you spend your free time? Will you spend it doing extra work at your job or taking care of your family? May be you’ll spend it on participating in your friends’ activities or you’ll choose improving your skills by attending some courses?
So if you want to be valuable first of all you should distinguish definite groups of people (or separate persons) to whom you want to be valuable and then prioritize them.
2) The second part of creating your value is to understand the needs of your target group. What are their wishes? What are their problems? May be they have problems which are unknown for them yet? May be they have needs which they haven’t understood yet?
Always explore the needs of your target group.
3) May be the most complicated and hard stage of value creation is the needs fulfillment. That’s why we should understand clearly what we are able to do to satisfy our target group’s needs.
We should analyze the resources which we have (time, skills, experience, knowledge, friends and so on).
Understand how you can fulfill the needs of your target group.
4) The next move is communication. How will people find out that you can fulfill their needs?
Why they should trust you? Do they understand correctly what you can do for them? Are they attracted by you? There is a great number of such questions arises when we speak about communication. We should use instruments of communication to inform people about our value for them. Our value itself exists only in minds of people. Communication is the crucial part of value creation.
Communicate with your target group.
5) How can we understand that we are valuable? How much is our value? Is it the number of smiles we gain? Is it the certain level of delight we raise in people? If we break up with our partner what problems he or she will encounter? Or what sum of money we get for our service?
Measure and estimate your value (not obligatory in digits of course, use your intuition).
6) We can raise our value by understanding the needs of our target group and by the means of communication but the value wouldn’t last long if we can’t satisfy the needs.
Fulfill the needs of your target group.
All these steps are easy to understand because they are dictated by common sense. But if we look closer at each of them we’ll see that the endless number of questions arises. And the deeper we look the more questions we get.
The purpose of this blog is to explore each step of value creation. How to be valuable? Isn’t it a curious question?
7) But all previous steps would be not very effective if there would be somebody who do it better then you. So the greatest value can be created if you carry out the following:
be the best one in the needs fulfillment if you have the reasonable chance to be the best. But if you have only a small chance to be the best it is better to look for another options.
find some special needs of your target audience that nobody else sees or interested in their fulfillment. Be the only one who can fulfill some special needs.
7) But all previous steps would be not very effective if there would be somebody who do it better then you. So the greatest value can be created if you carry out the following:
find some special needs of your target audience that nobody else sees or interested in their fulfillment. Be the only one who can fulfill some special needs.
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