During this
week at the morning travellings to my office I was paying attention to the
negative thoughts which were penetrating my mind and spoiling my mood. These
were thoughts about different problems and fears. But nothing really bad had happened before this week and I haven’t
anticipated anything really bad in the nearest future. It were just fears connected with
How to be valuable
Blog about value creaton
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Whom to be - the best one or the most interesting one?
Imagine the
taxi driver which will transport you to the right place very fast and
comfortably. He is neat anв polite.
And now
imagine the taxi driver who is not so fast, not very skillful at driving, not very
neat and polite. But he is an interesting speaker or listener. He has charisma
and artistic capabilities. He can entertain you very well.
With whom
do you prefer to go?
Whom do you
prefer to be yourself? An interesting person or the best one?
Speed or quality?
compare the two styles of any work - first is when the speed is valued
most of all, second is when the quality is the main thing to concern.
What is
Friday, March 1, 2013
Welcome to the new techniсal revolution!
"What exoskeleton do you decide to buy?"
"I'll take this one for hikе and this one for alpinism" - it's very
possible that we would hear such dialogues in the nearest future.
Exoskeleton is not a research prototype now! Its mass production has begun! Wow! Completely new amazing product category is born!
Watch this video and try to imagine what change will
this break through bring to medicine, army, loading-unloading operations, emergency
services, entertainment, etc.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Feeling an employee online
There was a period in my life when I was keen on using dating websites for getting acquainted with girls.
Not much
time passed before I became pretty skillful at using internet instruments for “feeling”
girls online. By reading personal
information which a girl left at her webpage of the website, by studying her
pictures, by chatting with her with ICQ, I constructed her image in my mind which
was very close to reality. That was of great use to me because when we first met
Friday, February 22, 2013
People are curious, thanks God. How can you benefit?
If I say
that the next video will hold your attention to its completion will you be
curious to watch it? Do you want to know what is there? I bet you doJ Don’t hurry up to push the play button.
Keep in
mind this feeling. If you push the play button
Friday, February 8, 2013
Why is it not enough for you to know only one language
“English will be the only language in the world. I shouldn’t
study any other language. Why should I? Everybody will speak English and it is
enough for me”, said one of my former colleagues. Do you also think so? Forget it.
English is the main language but
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Why is it crucial to manage your personal brand?

There is a danger. Our environment is changing with the speed of a bullet. No one guarantee money income. No one guarantee constant job. No one guarantee constant relations.
to Forbes statistics average worker today stays at each
of his or her job for 4.4 years (in many industries it is much less). And there is a tendency to decrease. Employers
value long-term employees less
Friday, January 25, 2013
Need to quickly learn the time-tested marketing principles? Read the summary of the book “Marketing Warfare”
I consider
the bestseller “Marketing Warfare” written by Al Ries and Jack Trout as one of
the best books about marketing I have ever read. Despite of the fact that it
was written in 1986 basic principals which was stated in the book haven’t lost
their actuality. Simplicity and excitement of presentation supported by iron
logic of the authors help you to feel and understand what common sense in
marketing is.
Al Ries and
Jack Trout compared marketing with the warfare against competitors. They state
that the application of the war principles is highly effective in business. And
of course there are plenty of examples in the book which proof their theory.
The main
idea is the following:
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Everybody has a talent. How to define yours?
I want to
share with you my experience how to define your strong sides.
Why should
we know our strong sides?
At the last
century the football genius Pele visited the USSR. He was invited to watch the
training of the USSR
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Don't know what gift to give? Here is the answer
Few months
ago I made a present to my wife – I ordered a bouquet of flowers for her with
the delivery to her office. I’ve made the gift message: “for the most charming
girl in her company
name”. But the main
point was in the fact that it was an anonymous delivery. I just wanted to
entertain her. Right after she received the bouquet she contacted me and asked
if it was me who sent the flowers. I not just told her that it wasn’t me but I
even played the scene of jealousy.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
The foundation stone of value creation
How do people find out that something
is valuable for them?
Let’s look into a primal
tribe. Simple examples are often helpful for deep understanding of the
subject. A savage is thirsty. Water is a value
for him in any case. You have some water in your house. But your water doesn’t
represent any value for him because the savage doesn’t know about its
We don’t value anything before we
learn about its existence.
Let’s move on. We find a sturdy stick
and sharpen one of its ends. We show it to a savage. It is not a real value for
him yet. Maximum that can be expected is his
Saturday, October 15, 2011
The real power
Imagine you become the only person on the Earth. There is nobody. Just you. What would be the value of youself?
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Choosing a path
It’s always better to have the plan of value creation. Planning help us to understand better what do we want and how to reach it. After making a plan we can even change our priorities and reconsider the way we can reach the goals. Planning organizes and disciplines us. But I don’t believe we can foresee everything. What seems important for us now can be changed in the nearest future.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
I was always astonished by people who are valued by others without any effort from their side.
Attractive women are a good example. They can just move around, smile and a lot of men can’t stop thinking about them. These men can satisfy many wishes of these women just to attract their attention.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Act or think?
We should think before do something – this phrase I hear constantly since my childhood. And it is pretty logical: we should understand why we should do something, what would be the consequences of our actions and we should carry out a thorough plan and implement it. But my experience shows me that such way doesn’t always work. Often we try to understand something, but don’t have much success. Sometimes we even don’t know what we should try to understand. Such times require actions without understanding.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
What is your value in cash?
You are trying to create a value for others. What makes you think that what you are creating is really valuable?
What people are able to give up for your value? What if you are wrong at your value estimation? What if your activity is not needed for people? How to measure value which we bring to the world?
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Creating out of nothing
People frequently create something from nothing. At least it seems so. As a matter of fact they just find something which other people don’t see at a first glance. Creative people take all available resources and combine them in a new way.
It is the matter of applying our thoughts, enthusiasm, energy and other available resources. We see a person. We praise him and create his good mood. We raise feelings in him and help him to be valuable. We attract attention of people to some insignificant facts and make facts significant. We've increased value of these facts.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Is there progress without pain?
As long as I remember myself all of my personal accomplishments which I consider to be victories I made with big effort. I forced myself to do something. It was painful and hard. And it doesn’t matter whether it was physical training or any kind of mental activity. Sometimes I really enjoyed this pain but all the same it required some kind of sacrifice and self overcoming.
If you want to buy victory (create value), be ready for the payment. And the payment is the actions which can be uncomfortable to you.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Just do something
Can we create anything while doing nothing? We can be still valuable for our families or other people who love us. But where is creation?
One of the most important thoughts in Steve Pavlina’s article “Are you faking progress” is that without small steps in the right direction, without fails you wouldn’t create a big value. Creation is hard but that is the price of victory.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
The purpose of our actions
Do you analyze your everyday activity? How much time do you spend for nothing? Can you stop and ask yourself: am I creating value now?
Friday, April 29, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
The difference between product's value and offer's value
We have the following formula of value:
Value = Benefit – Expenses
But why do we value so much the objects which were extremely hard to receive or which cost so much?
We value our victories which were very hard to get. We value expensive cars, clothes or any other articles. Imagine if your expensive camera would be broken. Will you regret so much if you’ll broke the cheap one? It seems that expenses by themselves represent value.
Therefore we have another formula:
Value = Benefit + Expenses
How we can distinguish which formula to use. I suppose it will be fair to divide the value concept into product value concept and offer value concept.
Offer's value = Benefit – Expenses
Product's value = Benefit + Expenses
If we have 2 offers for the same camera: one is 1000$ and the other is 500$ what offer would be more valuable to us?
If we’ll use the 500$ offer the value of the camera would be decreased because the expenses will be decreased. But the value of the offer would be increased because of the same reason.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Your target audience satisfaction or your target audience success?
Although these two concepts are strongly correlated and often jump together there is still a big and important difference. People from your target audience can be satisfied with you but it doesn’t mean that they will succeed with your help. And vice versa: they can succeed but not feel satisfaction.
Let us say a teacher conducts a lesson for a student. The teacher can make a performance from the lesson: he may amuse the student, make him laugh, talk with him about different topics which not related to the subject
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Some patterns don't change over time or wisdom from the past

I’d like to place here some of the most valuable quotes from “Letters to his son”.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Recently I watched “Star Trek” series. In one episode there were two worlds which had remarkable economics relationship between each other. People from one world were producing nothing except a narcotic drug for the people from the second world. People from the second world were giving everything they could produce to the people from the first world in exchange for the narcotic drug.
What a wonderful value creation by the people from the first world!
Of course it’s an awful immoral example but there is something about it. Most people need some kind of drugs and not
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
What do people need?
According to the material from Wikipedia we have several fundamental needs and all other needs are the derivatives from these fundamental ones. So when we try to find special needs of our target audience we should start our analysis with the fundamental needs.
Let’s consider the example. What are fundamental needs of science fiction consumers?
First of all they have common needs with the consumers of other genres. And the main need is leisure. They want to receive emotions which they lack in their real lives. They want to
Friday, April 8, 2011
How to be valuable
1) The main question is valuable to whom? Value can’t be in vacuum. We can’t be valuable to everybody. First of all we should determine our target audience. We should determine it precisely. Is it your friends, family, employer, fellow citizens, beautiful women, wealthy men, fans of you favorite team? May be it’s your customers?
Of course there can’t be a single target audience. That’s why the next step is to prioritize them. Can we spend the same amount of energy and resources for everybody? I hardly believe it. You’ll always have to make choices between spending yourself for one or another group of people. How will you spend your free time? Will you spend it doing extra work at your job or taking care of your family? May be you’ll spend it on participating in your friends’ activities or you’ll choose improving your skills by attending some courses?
So if you want to be valuable first of all you should distinguish definite groups of people (or separate persons) to whom you want to be valuable and then prioritize them.
2) The second part of creating your value is to understand the needs of your target group. What are their wishes? What are their problems? May be they have problems which are unknown for them yet? May be they have needs which they haven’t understood yet?
Always explore the needs of your target group.
3) May be the most complicated and hard stage of value creation is the needs fulfillment. That’s why we should understand clearly what we are able to do to satisfy our target group’s needs.
We should analyze the resources which we have (time, skills, experience, knowledge, friends and so on).
Understand how you can fulfill the needs of your target group.
4) The next move is communication. How will people find out that you can fulfill their needs?
Why they should trust you? Do they understand correctly what you can do for them? Are they attracted by you? There is a great number of such questions arises when we speak about communication. We should use instruments of communication to inform people about our value for them. Our value itself exists only in minds of people. Communication is the crucial part of value creation.
Communicate with your target group.
5) How can we understand that we are valuable? How much is our value? Is it the number of smiles we gain? Is it the certain level of delight we raise in people? If we break up with our partner what problems he or she will encounter? Or what sum of money we get for our service?
Measure and estimate your value (not obligatory in digits of course, use your intuition).
6) We can raise our value by understanding the needs of our target group and by the means of communication but the value wouldn’t last long if we can’t satisfy the needs.
Fulfill the needs of your target group.
All these steps are easy to understand because they are dictated by common sense. But if we look closer at each of them we’ll see that the endless number of questions arises. And the deeper we look the more questions we get.
The purpose of this blog is to explore each step of value creation. How to be valuable? Isn’t it a curious question?
7) But all previous steps would be not very effective if there would be somebody who do it better then you. So the greatest value can be created if you carry out the following:
be the best one in the needs fulfillment if you have the reasonable chance to be the best. But if you have only a small chance to be the best it is better to look for another options.
find some special needs of your target audience that nobody else sees or interested in their fulfillment. Be the only one who can fulfill some special needs.
7) But all previous steps would be not very effective if there would be somebody who do it better then you. So the greatest value can be created if you carry out the following:
find some special needs of your target audience that nobody else sees or interested in their fulfillment. Be the only one who can fulfill some special needs.
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