Thursday, April 14, 2011


Recently I watched “Star Trek” series. In one episode there were two worlds which had remarkable economics relationship between each other. People from one world were producing nothing except a narcotic drug for the people from the second world. People from the second world were giving everything they could produce to the people from the first world in exchange for the narcotic drug.    

What a wonderful value creation by the people from the first world!

Of course it’s an awful immoral example but there is something about it. Most people need some kind of drugs and not
necessary chemical ones. The need for drugs is in our nature. And it is not bad. It is just so. We need something which will give us unusual sensations. We need something which will make us forget about everything else. The effect may lasts seconds, hours or days but principle is the same – the drug deals with our sensations and dangles us to try it again.

The examples of such drugs are everywhere: television, computer games, alcohol, social networks, sex, chips, chocolate, coffee and so on. The effect from the chocolate or any other sweets doesn’t last long and usually people don’t favor one product for a long period of time. We need to try new tastes, we attracted by new packages but all the same it is a kind of addiction. When we taste something we like we fill up ourselves with joy and we are getting attached to this feeling. We want more and more. Do you have such addictions?

Try to think about what you can give to your target audience to make them addicted to it. People value highly the object of their addiction. But we should be careful with moral issues. Some kinds of addiction can make severe harm to a person. Such addiction creation is inappropriate for a civilized human. However there are many kinds of addictions that make our lives more interesting, rich and joyful. 

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