Saturday, October 15, 2011

The real power

Imagine you become the only person on the Earth. There is nobody. Just you.  What would be the value of youself? 

None.There is nobody who can evaluate you. Without other people our value equals nothing.  

  1. How would you take care of yourself? You can learn to provide yourself with food and clothes but what about the other things? Who will help you when you are ill or injured? Who would look after you if you get lost? Who would defend you from the fire?
  2.  For whom you would try to seem smart, handsome, amiable and cool? Who would love you or whom you’d love?
  3.  What would be the purpose of your life without other people? Can you change the world alone without other people? Can you create a skyscraper? A robot? A space station?

It is the widely known fact that two workers which work together would do more than two workers which work separately. Two workers make a system, an organization. An organization is more effective then standing alone individuals. An organization creates more value then separate people.
Of course you can say that there is a huge list of personalities who are more valuable then organizations such as Alexander of Macedon, Newton, Einstein, Steve Jobs and so on. But don’t separate them from their society. Where would be Alexander of Macedon without his skilful and experienced warriors? Could such scientist as Newton exist without English scientific school? What progress could make Steve Jobs without advanced technology of Silicon Valley and brilliant experts whom he gathered around himself? Yes there are people who bring more value than other people. But they are not in vacuum. They belong to some kind of organizations.

Western civilization teaches us to think more and more about ourselves. We go mad about our personal success and our individualism. Even our family interests take less place in our heads then it used to be. When we think about the value we think about the value for ourselves or of ourselves. I'm not speaking about everybody. I'm speaking about the tendency.
But who we are without relations with other people? Who we are without being a part of some kind of organizations?

We shouldn’t forget about the real power. The real power is not in ourselves. The real power is in the societies which we belong to.

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